Hide and Snow-Seek
My soon to be 8 year old girl!
After crashing into this snow bank a few hundred times, it is time to kick back!
My little sea turtle! Gabe would take off on the orange sled like a just born turtle out to sea as he flapped his arms to get going down the hill.
Lake Wenatchee Rocks! Get it?!
Christmas Time Stories with Grandma!
The All Smiles Gang!
"Away in a Manger" performance! Camille and Gabe practiced "Silent Night" to sing for Christmas Eve and "Away in a Manger" for Christmas Morning! How lucky are we!
Dad and Mom on a sun stream snow morning.
Gabe and Grandpa! Feel the Love.
We are connected.
Gabe leaning in for the kiss. Makes me so happy:)
We found this Sled Hill in Lake Wenatchee Park and we wanted to bring my dad to it. We went and got him and came back around 4 o'clock. Dusk was upon us and the few people remaining had sled their final run and were leaving. We had this massive hill to ourselves. We had one double tube that by this time had been patched and taped with electric tape since we created our own hill, branches and all the first day we traipsed around (the slowest), a longer sled (the middle) and a super speedy disc (the fastest). The three of us each chose one, the slowest going first and fastest last, anticpating the disc to come crashing down the dark. My dad captured Brett and I coming down. Flying down the fir tree lined hill, the tallest holding its strength in my eye, I feel the freedom in the raw snow and silence in the static night. Joy.